Tailings dam disasters are reported almost every year and are triggered by mechanisms, such as overtopping, piping, and others. The failures due to inadequate management …
Tailings are the waste product of mining which is left over after extraction of materials of interest. Tailings material may possess different material properties depending upon type of …
In an upstream tailings dam, loose layers might occur at different depths due to melting of frozen layers deposited during freezing temperature in Sweden. Reduced shear strength of …
The mining activity produces minerals to supply to the modern society with commodities. During the ore refining process large amounts of tailings are generated as waste. Tailings …
There is a growing need of construction around the globe. This need tends to provide newer opportunities for construction of buildings over reclaimed lands or earth filled areas. Mostly …
Tailings dams are raised with time depending upon rate of generation of waste. A tailings dam can contain different particle sized materials within its dam body. The newly raised …
The mining activity produces minerals to supply to the modern society with commodities. During the ore refining process large amounts of tailings are generated as waste. Tailings …