On some infinite dimensional linear groups

LA Kurdachenko - Note di Matematica, 2011 - siba-ese.unisalento.it
Let F be a field and A an (infinite dimensional) vector space over F. A group G of linear
transormations of A is said to be finitary linear if for each element g 2 G the centralizer CA (g) …

[图书][B] Linear Groups: The Accent on Infinite Dimensionality

MR Dixon, LA Kurdachenko, IY Subbotin - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Linear Groups: The Accent on Infinite Dimensionality explores some of the main results and
ideas in the study of infinite-dimensional linear groups. The theory of finite dimensional …

Linear groups saturated by subgroups of finite central dimension

NN Semko, LV Skaskiv… - Algebra and Discrete …, 2020 - admjournal.luguniv.edu.ua
Abstract Let\(F\) be a field,\(A\) be a vector space over\(F\) and\(G\) be a subgroup
of\(\mathrm {GL}(F, A)\). We say that\(G\) has a dense family of subgroups, having finite …

Trends in infinite dimensional linear groups

MR Dixon, LA Kurdachenko, JM Muños-Escolano… - Lond. Math …, 2011 - books.google.com
Trends in infinite dimensional linear groups Page 285 TRENDS IN INFINITE DIMENSIONAL

Soluble linear groups with some restrictions on subgroups of infinite central dimension

LA Kurdachenko, JM Munoz-Escolano… - Ischia Group Theory …, 2009 - World Scientific
Let V be a vector space over the field F. If G is a subgroup of GL (V, F), then we define the
central dimension of G (denoted by centdim FG) as the F–dimension of the factor-space …

On the structure of some modules over generalized soluble groups

LA Kurdachenko, IY Subbotin… - Turkish Journal of …, 2014 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
Let R be a ring and G a group. An R-module A is said to be Artinian-by-(finite rank) if Tor_R
(A) is Artinian and A/Tor_R (A) has finite R-rank. We study a module A over a group ring RG …

Linear groups saturated by subgroups of finite central dimension

NN Semko, LV Skaskiv, OA Yarovaya - Доповіді НАН України, 2019 - dspace.nbuv.gov.ua
Let F be a field, A be a vector space over F, and G be a subgroup of GL (F, A). We say that G
has a dense family of subgroups having finite central dimension, if, for every pair of …

Локально разрешимые -группы

ОЮ Дашкова - Проблемы физики, математики и техники, 2012 - mathnet.ru
Пусть A–векторное пространство над полем F. Подгруппы группы () GL FA, всех
автоморфизмов пространства A называются линейными группами. Если A имеет …

On locally soluble AFN-groups

OY Dashkova - Algebra and discrete mathematics, 2012 - dspace.nbuv.gov.ua
Let A be an RG-module, where R is a commutative ring, G is a locally soluble group, CG
(A)= 1, and each proper subgroup H of G for which A/CA (H) is not a noetherian R-module, is …

О модульных аналогах антифинитарных линейных групп

ОЮ Дашкова - Математический форум (Итоги науки. Юг России), 2012 - elibrary.ru
В работе изучается аналог антифинитарных линейных групп в теории модулей над
групповыми кольцами. БИБЛИОМЕТРИЧЕСКИЕ ПОКАЗАТЕЛИ: Входит в РИНЦ®: да …