Case study of modelling the logistics chain in production

M Pekarčíková, P Trebuňa, J Markovič - Procedia Engineering, 2014 - Elsevier
Article deals with the optimization of the production chain, namely the optimization of
material flow by reducing the costs of transporting products and semi-products in the …

[PDF][PDF] Proposal of a model for the eco-innovation integration into the innovation process of companies in Slovakia to increase their performance

E Loučanová, M Olšiaková - Acta Logistica, 2021 -
Innovation is considered an important tool to succeed in an environment characterized by
strong competition in the market. It is important to manage the innovation process and its …

Methodology for classification of material items by analysis ABC/XYZ and the creation of the material portfolio

M Pekarčíková, P Trebuňa, M Fiľo - Applied mechanics and …, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
The nature of the application of ABC/XYZ analysis lies in the use one of the simple tools of
quality management. It is based on the Pareto Principle 20/80. It can be applied in a variety …

[PDF][PDF] Modely a simulácia v logistike

D Malindžák - Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2010 -
Modely, simulačné modely, analytické modely a pod. sú pojmy, ktoré sa dnes často
vyskytujú v diskusiách a prácach odborníkov vo všetkých oblastiach riadenia. Uvažujme o …

[PDF][PDF] The basic principles of the analyse for heuristic model creation in metalurgy

D Malindžák, D Zimon - METAL 2014, 2014 -
In management practice exist many activities, which cannot to model and to solve by
mathematical–analytical method, but man is able successfully to solve it. For real solution of …

[PDF][PDF] Business logistics in the conditions of globalization

P Richnák, K Porubanová - Economics, 2017 -
Economic change, the explosion of information and communication technologies, business
orientation on quality, globalization of world trade, production automation, reduction of …

[PDF][PDF] Experimental modeling methods in Industrial Engineering

P Trebuňa - Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2009 -
Dynamic approaches to a management system of the present industrial practice, forcing
businesses to address management issues in-house continuous improvement of production …

[PDF][PDF] Metodika nakladania s tuhým komunálnym odpadom v podmienkach vidieckej zástavby

A Báreková, Š Sklenár, L Tátošová - … poľnohospodárska univerzita, Nitra, 2011 -
KBV komplexná bytová výstavba KF Kohézny fond KO komunálne odpady MŽP Ministerstvo
životného prostredia MBÚ mechanicko-biologická úprava NR Národná rada NSRR Národný …


M Zoubek -
The dissertation focuses on the evaluation of internal logistics processes within the concept
of Industry 4.0. The content of the introductory chapters is an overview of the current state of …

Metodika pro hodnocení připravenosti interních logistických procesů na Průmysl 4.0

M Zoubek - 2021 -
Disertační práce se zaměřuje na hodnocení interních logistických procesů v rámci konceptu
Průmysl 4.0. Náplní úvodních kapitol je přehled současného stavu problematiky s cílenými …