Abstract Donaldson–Thomas invariants $ DT^\alpha (\tau) $ are integers which 'count'$\tau $-stable coherent sheaves with Chern character $\alpha $ on a Calabi–Yau 3-fold $ X …
By the Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence, the authors of this book mean the isomorphy of the moduli spaces Mst of stable holomorphic—resp. MHE of irreducible Hermitian-Einstein …
We define the BPS invariants of Gopakumar-Vafa in the case of irreducible curve classes on Calabi-Yau 3-folds. The main tools are the theory of stable pairs in the derived category and …
D Joyce, Y Song - arXiv preprint arXiv:0810.5645, 2008 - arxiv.org
Let X be a Calabi-Yau 3-fold over C. The Donaldson-Thomas invariants of X are integers DT^ a (t) which count stable sheaves with Chern character a on X, with respect to a Gieseker …
T Mochizuki - Lecture Notes in Math, 1972 - Springer
In this monograph, we define and investigate an algebro-geometric analogue of Donaldson invariants by using moduli spaces of semistable sheaves with arbitrary ranks on a polarized …
A principal pair consists of a holomorphic principal G‐bundle together with a holomorphic section of an associated Kaehler fibration. Such objects support natural gauge theoretic …
J Choi, YH Kiem, D Lee - Advances in Mathematics, 2023 - Elsevier
The moduli space M‾ 0, n of n pointed stable curves of genus 0 admits an action of the symmetric group S n by permuting the marked points. We provide a closed formula for the …
Let X be a curve of genus g. A coherent system on X consists of a pair (E, V), where E is an algebraic vector bundle over X of rank n and degree d and V is a subspace of dimension k of …
We prove that, given integers m ≥ 3 m≥ 3, r ≥ 1 r≥ 1 and n ≥ 0 n≥ 0, the moduli space of torsion free sheaves on P^ m P m with Chern character (r, 0, ..., 0,-n)(r, 0,…, 0,-n) that are …