Why is learning fraction and decimal arithmetic so difficult?

H Lortie-Forgues, J Tian, RS Siegler - Developmental Review, 2015 - Elsevier
Fraction and decimal arithmetic are crucial for later mathematics achievement and for ability
to succeed in many professions. Unfortunately, these capabilities pose large difficulties for …

Mathematical knowledge for teaching in planning and evaluating instruction: What can preservice teachers learn?

AK Morris, J Hiebert, SM Spitzer - Journal for research in …, 2009 - pubs.nctm.org
The goal of this study is to uncover the successes and challenges that preservice teachers
are likely to experience as they unpack lesson-level mathematical learning goals (ie, identify …

Teachers' conceptual understanding of fraction operations: results from a national sample of elementary school teachers

Y Copur-Gencturk - Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2021 - Springer
Teachers' understanding of the concepts they teach affects the quality of instruction and
students' learning. This study used a sample of 303 teachers from across the USA to …

Mathematical content knowledge for teaching elementary mathematics: A focus on fractions

D Olanoff, JJ Lo, J Tobias - The Mathematics Enthusiast, 2014 - scholarworks.umt.edu
This article presents a research summary of prospective elementary teachers'(PTs')
mathematical content knowledge in the area of fractions. The authors conducted an …

Strategic competence for multistep fraction word problems: an overlooked aspect of mathematical knowledge for teaching

Y Copur-Gencturk, T Doleck - Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2021 - Springer
Prior work on teachers' mathematical knowledge has contributed to our understanding of the
important role of teachers' knowledge in teaching and learning. However, one aspect of …

Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının matematiği öğretme bilgilerinin gelişiminin incelenmesi: Bir ders imecesi (lesson study) çalışması

M Baki - 2012 - acikbilim.yok.gov.tr
Alan yazında, etkili öğretim için alan bilgisinin yeterli olmadığı ve öğretmenlerin derin ve
geniş bir alanı öğretme bilgisine sahip olmaları gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır. Alanı öğretme …

Seeking research-grounded solutions to problems of practice: Classroom-based interventions in mathematics education

AJ Stylianides, GJ Stylianides - ZDM, 2013 - Springer
Research on classroom-based interventions in mathematics education has two core
aims:(a) to improve classroom practice by engineering ways to act upon problems of …

Prospective elementary teachers' knowledge of fraction division

JJ Lo, F Luo - Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 2012 - Springer
Prospective elementary teachers must understand fraction division deeply in order to
meaningfully teach this topic to their future students. This paper explores the nature of the …

Conceptualizing and organizing content for teaching and learning in selected Chinese, Japanese and US mathematics textbooks: The case of fraction division

Y Li, X Chen, S An - ZDM, 2009 - Springer
In this study, selected Chinese, Japanese and US mathematics textbooks were examined in
terms of their ways of conceptualizing and organizing content for the teaching and learning …

Zenginleştirilmiş öğrenme ortamının matematiksel muhakemeye ve tutuma etkisi

E Erdem - 2015 - acikbilim.yok.gov.tr
Geleneksel öğretim yaklaşımı, bireysel farklılıkları göz ardı ettiğinden ve bireyin zihinsel
yapısını anlamayı arka plana attığından yerini yeni yaklaşımlara bırakmıştır. Bu yeni …