An historical summary of the distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Chesapeake Bay is presented. Evidence suggests that SAV has generally been …
LG Stowe, JA Teeri - The American Naturalist, 1978 -
The geographic distribution of C4 species in the Dicotyledonae of North America was examined in relation to climatic parameters in an attempt to identify environmental …
Lythrum salicaria L.(purple loosestrife, spiked loosestrife, long purples, o sally) of the Lythraceae is a tall, perennial, purplish-red-flowered herbaceous p wetland habitats. As …
The taxonomy of Salix in the southeastern United States was studied in the field and herbarium. Twelve species and one variety of native willows are recognized and seven …
Although seed dispersal is assumed to be a major factor determining plant community development in restored wetlands, little research exists on density and species richness of …
Tidal freshwater marshes have diverse plant communities that vary spatially and temporally due to hydrology, animal activity, and other factors. Development of urban centers along …
A 1978–81 survey of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River showed that there were virtually no plants in the freshwater tidal river between Chain Bridge and …
RL Stuckey - SIDA, Contributions to Botany, 1972 - JSTOR
Rorippa consists of those yellow-petaled, numerous-seeded, readily-dehiscent-fruited marsh and shore plants in the Cruciferae. Distributed primarily in temperate, less so in …
GM Haramis, V Carter - Aquatic Botany, 1983 - Elsevier
Results of a 3-year survey (1978–1980) and review of historic trends have shown a major decline in the number of species and the distribution of submersed aquatic macrophytes in …