Interactive virtual expert system for advising (InVEStA)

D Pokrajac, M Rasamny - Proceedings. Frontiers in Education …, 2006 -
We propose and develop InVEStA-interactive virtual expert system for advising-to assist
undergraduate students and their advisors in providing timely, accurate and conflict-free …

[PDF][PDF] Database performance monitoring and tuning using intelligent agent assistants

S Elfayoumy, J Patel - … of the International Conference on Information …, 2012 -
Fast databases are a necessity in today's E-commerce environment. Information from the
database has to be provided at fast rates to impatient customers, otherwise they will move …

Abstract mental descriptions for agent design

M Corrêa, H Coelho - Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2010 -
We present the extended Mental States Framework (EMSF) for artificial cognitive agents
able to include a static and a dynamic definition of mental states at large. These (individual …

DBSitter-AS: um Framework Orientado a Agentes para Construção de Componentes de Gerenciamento Autônomo para SGBD

PRM Maciel - 2007 -
A Computação Autônoma é uma área de pesquisa que busca o desenvolvimento de
software capaz de autoconfiguração, auto-otimização, autoproteção, auto-reparação …

[PDF][PDF] Towards Autonomic Index Maintenance.

MAV Salles, ET Morelli, S Lifschitz - SBBD, 2006 -
Automatic index selection has received significant attention in the autonomic computing
field. Previous works have focused on providing tools and algorithms to help the DBA in the …

Automatic maintenance of a computing system in a steady state using correlation

HP Raghunandan - US Patent 8,352,723, 2013 - Google Patents
An autonomic computing system is automatically maintained in a steady state. The system
has parameters, each of which has one or more threshold. The system may further have …


JM Monteiro, S Lifschitz, Â Brayner -
RESUMO A questão agrária é problema antigo ocasionado pela má distribuição de terras,
gerando inúmeros conflitos agrários. Muitos debates sobre a temática da reforma agrária …

Automatic maintenance of a computing system in a steady state using correlation

HP Raghunandan - US Patent 7,992,054, 2011 - Google Patents
An autonomic computing system is automatically maintained in a steady state. The system
has a number of parameters, each of which has one or more threshold. The system may …

Proactive Support for Large-Scale Data Exploration

M Hereld, T Malik, V Vishwanath - 2013 IEEE International …, 2013 -
Computational science is generating increasingly unwieldy datasets created by complex
and high-resolution simulations of physical, social, and economic systems. Traditional post …

Automatic maintenance of a computing system in a steady state using correlation

HP Raghunandan - US Patent 7,836,355, 2010 - Google Patents
US7836355B2 - Automatic maintenance of a computing system in a steady state using
correlation - Google Patents US7836355B2 - Automatic maintenance of a computing system in …