Academia a new knowledge supplier to the industry! Uncovering barriers in the process

A Kashyap, R Agrawal - Journal of Advances in Management …, 2019 -
Purpose In the era of Industry 4.0, knowledge component plays a vital role in manufacturing.
For tacking the new complexities of the business, a concept of knowledge supply chain …

[HTML][HTML] The landscape of open innovation in Brazil: An analysis of the recent literature

AG Ferrari, JAA Scaliza, D Jugend - Production, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Paper aims This article aims to identify and analyze the main studies, practices, and
challenges for the adoption of open innovation (OI) presented in recent Brazilian literature …

[HTML][HTML] Innovative performance of Brazilian public higher educational institutions: Analysis of the remuneration of research groups and companies

TA Souza, LGR Antunes, AS Azevedo… - Innovation & …, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the compensation between research groups
and companies that contribute the most for the innovative performance of Brazilian public …

Uma proposta de arranjo institucional para a transferência e licenciamento de tecnologia entre ICTs e pequenas empresas

AS Cheib, MS Rapini… - Pymes, Innovación y …, 2020 -
Uno de los principales obstáculos identificados en el ámbito de la Transferencia de
Tecnología (TT) DE LAS Instituciones Científicas, Tecnológicas y de Innovación (ICTs) para …

[HTML][HTML] Análisis de los grupos de investigación de las áreas científicas con mayor aplicabilidad productiva en el Brasil: competencias e interacciones con las …

T Caliari, T Chiarini - Apuntes, 2018 -
Este artículo analiza las competencias de los grupos de investigación de la BR Survey en la
generación de ciencia y tecnología y cómo pueden estos asociarse en interacción con las …

[HTML][HTML] Relationships of scientific and technological production in research networks: the case of the Northeast Biotechnology Network (RENORBIO)

RC Magalhães, B Buarque, SF Câmara… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
This research analyzed actors' interactions in the Northeast Biotechnology Network (in
Portuguese, RENORBIO), based on the study of their profile of scientific and technological …

Relação universidade-empresa: o caso das indústrias farmacêuticas ea realização de ensaios clínicos em hospitais universitários

PM de Oliveira Machado… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2021 -
O presente trabalho relaciona os condicionantes para a realização de pesquisas clínicas de
novos produtos farmacêuticos. O objetivo principal é investigar a relação universidade …

[HTML][HTML] Effectiveness by design: Overcoming orientation and transaction related barriers in research-industry linkages

S Salles-Filho, A Bin, K Bonilla… - Revista de Administração …, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
Context: dynamic and productive linkages between research organizations (ROs) and
industry are actively spurred in advanced nations. Conversely, Latin American countries …

[PDF][PDF] Innovative performance of Brazilian public higher educational institutions: Analysis of the remuneration of research groups and companies

TA de Souza, LGR Antunes… - … & Management Review, 2019 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to identify the compensation between research
groups and companies that contribute the most for the innovative performance of Brazilian …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of scientific research groups with greater productive applicability in Brazil: capacities and interactions with firms

T Caliari, T Chiarini - Apuntes. Revista deficiencias sociales, 2018 -
This paper analyzes the capacities of BR Survey Research Groups in generating science
and technology, and how these groups may be associated with university-firm interactions …