Recent experimental studies and theoretical models have begun to address the challenge of establishing a causal link between subjective conscious experience and measurable …
«Notre cerveau possède, dès la naissance, un talent que les meilleurs logiciels d'intelligence artificielle ne parviennent pas encore à imiter: la faculté d'apprendre. Même le …
Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from …
El cerebro humano es una máquina extraordinaria, capaz de transformarse a sí misma a partir de la experiencia y de albergar talentos que nos vuelven únicos como especie …
Humanity's greatest feat is our incredible ability to learn. Even in their first year, infants acquire language, visual and social knowledge at a rate that surpasses the best …
Decision-making involves the selection of one out of many possible courses of action. A decision may bear on other decisions, as when humans seek a second medical opinion …
The psychopath has long captured the imagination. A name such as Ted Bundy evokes a morbid curiosity. The crimes committed by Bundy are so cruel that it is hard to imagine how …
KCR Fox, P Zakarauskas, M Dixon, M Ellamil… - 2012 -
The accuracy of subjective reports, especially those involving introspection of one's own internal processes, remains unclear, and research has demonstrated large individual …
The experience of controlling one's own actions, and through them events in the outside world, is a pervasive feature of human mental life. Two experiments investigated the relation …