Several authorship analysis tasks require the decomposition of a multiauthored text into its authorial components. In this regard two basic prerequisites need to be addressed:(1) style …
The vast majority of previous studies in authorship attribution assume the existence of documents (or parts of documents) labeled by authorship to be used as training instances in …
PAN 2018 explores several authorship analysis tasks enabling a systematic comparison of competitive approaches and advancing research in digital text forensics. More specifically …
The analysis of the writing style of multi-authored texts aims at identifying those places where authorship changes in a document. This task is an important step in reliably …
When a shift in writing style is noticed in a document, doubts arise about its originality. Based on this clue to plagiarism, the intrinsic approach to plagiarism detection identifies the …
Style change detection means to identify positions at which the authorship in a multi-author document changes. Reliably detecting these positions is key for multi-author document …
Zusammenfassung Anwendungen der Linguistischen Informatik, wie bspw. Autorenschaftsanalysen, benötigen groÿe Datenmengen an Text sogenannte Korpora um …
M Tschuggnall, G Specht - International Journal on Advances in …, 2015 -
The automatic classification of data has become a major research topic in the last years, and especially the analysis of text has gained interest due to the availability of huge amounts of …
With the advent of the Internet and the widespread use of digital documents, access to information from the four corners of the globe has become easier and easier. This was …