Temporal information in speech: acoustic, auditory and linguistic aspects

S Rosen - … Transactions of the Royal Society of London …, 1992 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The temporal properties of speech appear to play a more important role in linguistic
contrasts than has hitherto been appreciated. Therefore, a new framework for describing the …

[PDF][PDF] Greek phonetics. The state of the art

A Arvaniti - 2007 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
Phonetics is the area of linguistics that studies the production and perception of speech
sounds. Research in the past decades has clearly shown that speech is extremely variable …

[图书][B] Auditory representations in phonology

ES Flemming - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Laurence Horn Yale University A ROUTLEDGE SERIES Page 3 OUTSTANDING …

Phonetics and phonology of tense and lax obstruents in German

M Jessen - 1999 - torrossa.com
The major goal of the present study is to provide a contribution to the enterprise of
increasing the ties between phonology and phonetics within linguistic theory. With this goal …

The perception of foreign-accented speech

HS Magen - Journal of phonetics, 1998 - Elsevier
The purpose of the present study is to assess the contribution of various phonetic and
phonological factors to the perception of global foreign accent. Two native Spanish speakers …

Acoustic-phonetic contrasts and intelligibility in the dysarthria associated with mixed cerebral palsy

BM Ansel, RD Kent - Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1992 - ASHA
This study evaluated the relationship between specific acoustic features of speech and
perceptual judgments of word intelligibility of adults with cerebral palsy-dysarthria. Use of a …

Phonatory and articulatory changes associated with increased vocal intensity in Parkinson disease: A case study

C Dromey, LO Ramig, AB Johnson - Journal of Speech, Language, and …, 1995 - ASHA
This study examined changes in voice and speech production in a patient with Parkinson
disease as he increased vocal intensity following 1 month of intensive voice treatment …

Effects of compression on speech acoustics, intelligibility, and sound quality

PE Souza - Trends in amplification, 2002 - journals.sagepub.com
The topic of compression has been discussed quite extensively in the last 20 years (eg,
Braida et al., 1982;,;;; and 2002;;;;; Verschuure et al., 1996;). However, the latest …

The resonant dynamics of speech perception: interword integration and duration-dependent backward effects.

S Grossberg, CW Myers - Psychological review, 2000 - psycnet.apa.org
How do listeners integrate temporally distributed phonemic information into coherent
representations of syllables and words? For example, increasing the silence interval …

Central auditory onset responses, and temporal asymmetries in auditory perception

DP Phillips, SE Hall, SE Boehnke - Hearing research, 2002 - Elsevier
Historically, central auditory responses have been studied for their sensitivity to various
parameters of tone and noise burst stimulation, with response rate plotted as a function of …