Bayesian optimization based score fusion of linguistic approaches for improving legal document summarization

D Jain, MD Borah, A Biswas - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023 - Elsevier
Due to the lengthy and complex nature of legal documents, automatic summarization has
very high applicability in this domain. Recently, several researchers have proposed …

Who speaks like a style of vitamin: Towards syntax-aware dialogue summarization using multi-task learning

S Lee, K Yang, C Park, J Sedoc, H Lim - IEEE Access, 2021 -
Abstractive dialogue summarization is a challenging task for several reasons. First, most of
the key information in a conversation is scattered across utterances through multi-party …

Bidirectional sensing of user preferences and application changes for dynamic mobile app recommendations

Z Tu, B Duan, Z Wang, X Xu - Neural Computing and Applications, 2021 - Springer
Recent years have witnessed the rapid adoption of mobile devices and significant growth in
the use of mobile apps. However, the large number of mobile apps makes it difficult for users …

Ingredients Identification Through Label Scanning Using PaddleOCR and ChatGPT for Information Retrieval

AW Rosyadi, S Ma'shumah, MQ Zaman… - … (Rekayasa Sistem dan …, 2024 -
Human health depends on choosing food ingredients that align with dietary needs and
avoid allergens. However, consumers often encounter unfamiliar ingredients that require …

Extractive Summarization of Indian Legal Judgments: Bridging NLP and Generative AI for Socially Responsible Content Generation

P Prabhakar, PB Pati - Generative AI: Current Trends and Applications, 2024 - Springer
In recent years, the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative Artificial
Intelligence (AI) have seen significant advancements, particularly in the domain of legal text …

Exploring the Performance of Tagging for the Classical and the Modern Standard Arabic

D AbuZeina, TM Abdalbaset - Advances in Fuzzy Systems, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The part of speech (PoS) tagging is a core component in many natural language processing
(NLP) applications. In fact, the PoS taggers contribute as a preprocessing step in various …

Feature-based POS tagging and sentence relevance for news multi-document summarization in Bahasa Indonesia

MZ Abdullah, C Fatichah - Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2022 -
Sentence extraction in news document summarization determines representative sentences
primarily by employing the news feature known as news feature score (NeFS). NeFS can …

Learning deep topics of interest

GS Mahalakshmi, S Hemadharsana… - New Trends in …, 2020 - Springer
Topic Models are representations of the given text. Topic models are unsupervised in nature
because they totally depend on word distributions. Few generative topic models obtain the …

[PDF][PDF] Peringkasan Teks Multi-Dokumen Berdasarkan Metode Sentence Extraction dan Word Sense Disambiguation

KN Aisyah, S Anggraini, AZ Arifin - NJCA (Nusantara Journal of …, 2019 -
Memahami makna utama yang terkandung dalam beberapa dokumen tentu tidak mudah
dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Menanggapi masalah tersebut, penelitian …

[PDF][PDF] Peringkasan multi-dokumen berita berdasarkan fitur berita dan part of speech tagging

MZ Abdullah, C Fatichah - Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi …, 2018 -
Abstract News Feature Scoring (NeFS) merupakan metode pembobotan kalimat yang sering
digunakan untuk melakukan pembobotan kalimat pada peringkasan dokumen berdasarkan …