A meta-analytic review of cognition and reading difficulties: Individual differences, moderation, and language mediation mechanisms.

P Peng, Z Zhang, W Wang, K Lee, T Wang… - Psychological …, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Based on 378 studies, 541 independent samples, and over 34,000 participants, the current
meta-analysis aimed to explore the associations between cognition and reading difficulties …

Masked phonological priming effects in English: Are they real? Do they matter?

K Rastle, M Brysbaert - Cognitive Psychology, 2006 - Elsevier
For over 15 years, masked phonological priming effects have been offered as evidence that
phonology plays a leading role in visual word recognition. The existence of these effects …

Visual word recognition of single-syllable words.

DA Balota, MJ Cortese… - Journal of …, 2004 - psycnet.apa.org
Speeded visual word naming and lexical decision performance are reported for 2,428 words
for young adults and healthy older adults. Hierarchical regression techniques were used to …

Recognizing cognates and interlingual homographs: Effects of code similarity in language-specific and generalized lexical decision

K Lemhöfer, T Dijkstra - Memory & cognition, 2004 - Springer
In four experiments, we investigated how cross-linguistic overlap in semantics, orthography,
and phonology affects bilingual word recognition in different variants of the lexical decision …

Reading words in Spanish and English: Mapping orthography to phonology in two languages

AI Schwartz, JF Kroll, M Diaz - Language and Cognitive processes, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
English-Spanish bilinguals named visually presented words aloud in each language. The
words included cognates (eg, fruit-fruta) and non-cognate translations (eg, pencil-ládpiz) …

Does jugde activate COURT? Transposed-letter similarity effects in masked associative priming

M Perea, SJ Lupker - Memory & Cognition, 2003 - Springer
Abstract Transposed-letter (TL) nonwords (eg, jugde) can be easily misperceived as words,
a fact that is somewhat inconsistent with the letter-position-coding schemes employed by …

Visual word recognition: The journey from features to meaning (a travel update)

DA Balota, MJ Yap, MJ Cortese - Handbook of psycholinguistics, 2006 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter presents a discussion on the word recognition literature.
Word recognition research is central to notions regarding different levels/codes of analysis in …

Manulex-infra: Distributional characteristics of grapheme—phoneme mappings, and infralexical and lexical units in child-directed written material

R Peereman, B Lété, L Sprenger-Charolles - Behavior Research Methods, 2007 - Springer
It is well known that the statistical characteristics of a language, such as word frequency or
the consistency of the relationships between orthography and phonology, influence literacy …

Representation and competition in the perception of spoken words

MG Gaskell, WD Marslen-Wilson - Cognitive psychology, 2002 - Elsevier
We present data from four experiments using cross-modal priming to examine the effects of
competitor environment on lexical activation during the time course of the perception of a …

An abundance of riches: Cross-task comparisons of semantic richness effects in visual word recognition

MJ Yap, PM Pexman, M Wellsby… - Frontiers in human …, 2012 - frontiersin.org
There is considerable evidence (eg, Pexman et al.,) that semantically rich words, which are
associated with relatively more semantic information, are recognized faster across different …