The longest and Hamiltonian path problems are well-known NP-hard problems in graph theory. Despite many applications of these problems, they are still open for many classes of …
A supergrid graph is a finite induced subgraph of the infinite graph associated with the two- dimensional supergrid. The supergrid graphs contain grid graphs and triangular grid graphs …
RW Hung, HD Chen, SC Zeng - IAENG International Journal of Computer …, 2017 -
A Hamiltonian path (cycle) of a graph is a simple path (cycle) in which each vertex of the graph is visited exactly once. The Hamiltonian path (cycle) problem is to determine whether …
Supergrid graphs are derived by computing stitch paths for computerized embroidery machines. In the past, we have studied the Hamiltonian-related properties of supergrid …
The Hamiltonian path problem on general graphs is well-known to be NP-complete. In the past, we have proved it to be also NP-complete for supergrid graphs. A graph is called …
A Hamiltonian path of a graph is a simple path which visits each vertex of the graph exactly once. The Hamiltonian path problem is to determine whether a graph contains a …
Domination problem is a well-known NP-complete problem for general graphs. In this paper, we will study its three variants, including restrained, independent restrained, and restrained …
Supergrid graphs contain grid graphs and triangular grid graphs as their subgraphs. The Hamiltonian cycle and path problems for general supergrid graphs were known to be NP …
The longest (s, t)-path problem on supergrid graphs is known to be NP-complete. However, the complexity of this problem on supergrid graphs with or without holes is still unknown. In …