Dea Dardanica: pre-rimska plemenska boginja ili rimska imperijalna tvorevina?

VD Mihajlović - Етноантрополошки проблеми, 2016 -
Tekst problematizuje tumačenje Dea Dardanica, religijske pojave iz perioda Rimskog
carstva, koja je u tradicionalnoj perspektivi shvatana kao vrsta etno-plemenske boginje …

Поглед на социо-економски живот у римско доба у српском делу Подунавља из археолошке перспективе

G Jeremić - Дунав-мост који спаја културе: зборник радова, 2024 -
Стратешки аспекти римске државе нису само подразумевали предузимање војних
интервенција у областима које је држава контролисала, већ и на тежње успостављања …

[PDF][PDF] Fratres Romani in Dalmatia: the social dynamics of Legio VII and the construction of community and identity through Roman funerary monuments

ES Coopey - 2021 -
Summary The Imperial Roman military consisted of a vast collection of armies and
overlapping subcommunities, causing it to be a multi-layered socio-cultural entity. Scholars …

Playing as Encounter: Co-Authorial Space in Play between Children and Adults

Ž Krnjaja - Etnoantropološki problemi/Issues in Ethnology and …, 2012 -
Play is a special way in which children and adults open up to the world and their own
flexibility. When playing together, they build co-authorial spaces of meaning as a space in …

Portretne stele na prostoru današnje Hercegovine-Društveni kontekst

A Marić - Hercegovina, 2019 -
The theme of this paper is an analysis of Roman funerary monuments from today's
Herzegovina containing a portrait of the deceased. In the introductory part, we thematized …

Oslobođenici u zaleđu Narone (epigrafsko-prosopografska analiza)

A Marić - Hercegovina, 2018 -
This paper, based on epigraphic and prosopographic analysis, deals with epigraphic
monuments referring to the freedmen in the hinterland of ancient city Narona. The …

Dea Dardanica: Pre-Roman tribal deity or Roman imperial construct?

VD Mihajlović - Etnoantropološki problemi/Issues in Ethnology and …, 2016 -
The text problematizes the interpretation of Dea Dardanica, a religious phenomenon from
the period of the Roman Empire, conceived from the traditional perspective as a kind of …