Hyperalignment: Modeling shared information encoded in idiosyncratic cortical topographies

JV Haxby, JS Guntupalli, SA Nastase, M Feilong - elife, 2020 - elifesciences.org
Information that is shared across brains is encoded in idiosyncratic fine-scale functional
topographies. Hyperalignment captures shared information by projecting pattern vectors for …

Naturalistic stimuli reveal a dominant role for agentic action in visual representation

JV Haxby, MI Gobbini, SA Nastase - Neuroimage, 2020 - Elsevier
Naturalistic, dynamic movies evoke strong, consistent, and information-rich patterns of
activity over a broad expanse of cortex and engage multiple perceptual and cognitive …

Mapping the multiple graded contributions of the anterior temporal lobe representational hub to abstract and social concepts: evidence from distortion-corrected fMRI

RJ Binney, P Hoffman, MA Lambon Ralph - Cerebral cortex, 2016 - academic.oup.com
A growing body of recent convergent evidence indicates that the anterior temporal lobe
(ATL) has connectivity-derived graded differences in semantic function: the ventrolateral …

The neural representation of personally familiar and unfamiliar faces in the distributed system for face perception

M Visconti di Oleggio Castello, YO Halchenko… - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
Personally familiar faces are processed more robustly and efficiently than unfamiliar faces.
The human face processing system comprises a core system that analyzes the visual …

Attention selectively reshapes the geometry of distributed semantic representation

SA Nastase, AC Connolly, NN Oosterhof… - Cerebral …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
Humans prioritize different semantic qualities of a complex stimulus depending on their
behavioral goals. These semantic features are encoded in distributed neural populations …

[HTML][HTML] Curvature processing in human visual cortical areas

X Yue, S Robert, LG Ungerleider - NeuroImage, 2020 - Elsevier
Curvature is one of many visual features shown to be important for visual perception. We
recently showed that curvilinear features provide sufficient information for categorizing …

A computational model of shared fine-scale structure in the human connectome

JS Guntupalli, M Feilong, JV Haxby - PLoS computational biology, 2018 - journals.plos.org
Variation in cortical connectivity profiles is typically modeled as having a coarse spatial
scale parcellated into interconnected brain areas. We created a high-dimensional common …

Neural and behavioral signatures of the multidimensionality of manipulable object processing

J Almeida, A Fracasso, S Kristensen, D Valério… - Communications …, 2023 - nature.com
Understanding how we recognize objects requires unravelling the variables that govern the
way we think about objects and the neural organization of object representations. A tenable …

[HTML][HTML] On the partnership between neural representations of object categories and visual features in the ventral visual pathway

S Bracci, JB Ritchie, HO de Beeck - Neuropsychologia, 2017 - Elsevier
A dominant view in the cognitive neuroscience of object vision is that regions of the ventral
visual pathway exhibit some degree of category selectivity. However, recent findings …

The neural basis of intelligence in fine-grained cortical topographies

M Feilong, JS Guntupalli, JV Haxby - Elife, 2021 - elifesciences.org
Intelligent thought is the product of efficient neural information processing, which is
embedded in fine-grained, topographically organized population responses and supported …