Initialized Earth System prediction from subseasonal to decadal timescales

GA Meehl, JH Richter, H Teng, A Capotondi… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2021 -
Abstract Initialized Earth System predictions are made by starting a numerical prediction
model in a state as consistent as possible to observations and running it forward in time for …

A signal-to-noise paradox in climate science

AA Scaife, D Smith - npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2018 -
We review the growing evidence for a widespread inconsistency between the low strength of
predictable signals in climate models and the relatively high level of agreement they exhibit …

Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information

JY Lee, J Marotzke, G Bala, L Cao, S Corti… - Climate change 2021 …, 2021 -
This chapter assesses simulations of future global climate change, spanning time horizons
from the near term (2021–2040), mid-term (2041–2060), and long term (2081–2100) out to …

Evaluation of climate models

G Flato, J Marotzke, B Abiodun, P Braconnot… - Climate change 2013 …, 2014 -
Climate models have continued to be developed and improved since the AR4, and many
models have been extended into Earth System models by including the representation of …

Agriculture in West Africa in the twenty-first century: climate change and impacts scenarios, and potential for adaptation

B Sultan, M Gaetani - Frontiers in plant science, 2016 -
West Africa is known to be particularly vulnerable to climate change due to high climate
variability, high reliance on rain-fed agriculture, and limited economic and institutional …

Near-term climate change: projections and predictability

B Kirtman, SB Power, AJ Adedoyin, GJ Boer, R Bojariu… - 2013 -
This chapter assesses the scientific literature describing expectations for near-term climate
(present through mid-century). Unless otherwise stated," near-term" change and the …

The decadal climate prediction project (DCPP) contribution to CMIP6

GJ Boer, DM Smith, C Cassou… - Geoscientific Model …, 2016 -
The Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP) is a coordinated multi-model investigation
into decadal climate prediction, predictability, and variability. The DCPP makes use of past …

[HTML][HTML] Decadal climate prediction: an update from the trenches

GA Meehl, L Goddard, G Boer… - Bulletin of the …, 2014 -
Barsugli, J., C. Anderson, JB Smith, and JM Vogel, 2009: Options for improving climate
modeling to assist water utility planning for climate change. Western Utilities Climate …

[HTML][HTML] CMIP5 scientific gaps and recommendations for CMIP6

RJ Stouffer, V Eyring, GA Meehl, S Bony… - Bulletin of the …, 2017 -
CMIP5 Scientific Gaps and Recommendations for CMIP6 in: Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society Volume 98 Issue 1 (2017) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo …

Robust skill of decadal climate predictions

DM Smith, R Eade, AA Scaife, LP Caron… - Npj Climate and …, 2019 -
There is a growing need for skilful predictions of climate up to a decade ahead. Decadal
climate predictions show high skill for surface temperature, but confidence in forecasts of …