Temptation in consumption and optimal taxation

M Arvaniti, T Sjögren - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2023 - Elsevier
This article aims to integrate temptation preferences into the theory of optimal taxation with
heterogenous agents and asymmetric information. Consumers are tempted to over-consume …

Reexamination of the Serendipity Theorem from the stability viewpoint

A Momota, T Sakagami, A Shibata - Journal of Demographic …, 2019 - cambridge.org
This paper reexamines the Serendipity Theorem of Samuelson (1975) from the stability
viewpoint, and shows that, for the Cobb–Douglas preference and CES technology, the most …

[PDF][PDF] Temptation in Consumption and Optimal Redistributive Taxation

M Arvaniti, T Sjögren - Economics Working Paper …, 2020 - research-collection.ethz.ch
The purpose of this article is to integrate the class of preferences developed by Gul and
Pesendorfer into the theory of optimal redistributive taxation with heterogenous consumers …

[引用][C] Temptation and Dynamic# Self# Control Preferences in a New Keynesian Model: Forward Guidance and Other Policy Implications

M Airaudo