Trusting automation: Designing for responsivity and resilience

EK Chiou, JD Lee - Human factors, 2023 -
Objective This paper reviews recent articles related to human trust in automation to guide
research and design for increasingly capable automation in complex work environments …

Executive functions and the self-regulation of eating behavior: A review

S Dohle, K Diel, W Hofmann - Appetite, 2018 - Elsevier
In order to pursue the long-term goal of losing weight, a dieter needs to resist the urge to eat
appealing, tasty foods. Beside sufficient motivation to resist these foods, dieters also need …

Are school meals a viable and sustainable tool to improve the healthiness and sustainability of children´ s diet and food consumption? A cross-national comparative …

M Oostindjer, J Aschemann-Witzel… - Critical reviews in …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
There is little agreement among governments, institutions, scientists and food activists as to
how to best tackle the challenging issues of health and sustainability in the food sector. This …

Defining the phygital marketing advantage

M Johnson, R Barlow - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic …, 2021 -
Interest in the application of phygital marketing to retail commerce has increased in recent
years. Implicit in this excitement is the notion that physical experiences provide unique value …

Involving children in meal preparation. Effects on food intake

K Van der Horst, A Ferrage, A Rytz - Appetite, 2014 - Elsevier
The question of how to promote healthy eating habits in children is relevant because most
children do not meet the recommended vegetable intake. Involving children in food …

Mechanisms underlying the anti-depressive effects of regular tea consumption

DON Rothenberg, L Zhang - Nutrients, 2019 -
This article is a comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to the antidepressant
effects and mechanisms of regular tea consumption. Meta-data supplemented with recent …

Barriers to consumption of plant-based beverages: A comparison of product users and non-users on emotional, conceptual, situational, conative and psychographic …

SR Jaeger, D Giacalone - Food Research International, 2021 - Elsevier
Production and consumption practices that reduce the environmental burden of eating and
drinking and promote global sustainability are of paramount interest. Against this …

Involving children in cooking activities: A potential strategy for directing food choices toward novel foods containing vegetables

X Allirot, N da Quinta, K Chokupermal, E Urdaneta - Appetite, 2016 - Elsevier
Involving children in cooking has been suggested as a strategy to improve dietary habits in
childhood. Interventions in schools including cooking, gardening and tasting activities have …

What motivates German consumers to reduce their meat consumption? Identifying relevant beliefs

AE Seffen, S Dohle - Appetite, 2023 - Elsevier
High levels of meat consumption cause problems related to public health, the environment,
and animal welfare. Therefore, it is crucial to improve our understanding of the drivers and …

Cooking and disgust sensitivity influence preference for attending insect-based food events

EJ Hamerman - Appetite, 2016 - Elsevier
Insects are energy-efficient and sustainable sources of animal protein in a world with
insufficient food resources to feed an ever-increasing population. However, much of the …