R Singh, P Soni - Journal of Food Products Marketing, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Marketers are seen to bombard children with advertisements for unhealthy foods using sophisticated promotion techniques that have serious negative effects on health and overall …
Advertising aims to convey a persuasive message so that the audience buys the products offered. Besides, it also contains implied ideology. The ideology is conveyed implicitly with …
J Filipović - Teme-Časopis za Društvene Nauke, 2016 - ceeol.com
The aim of this research was to explore the presence of information technologies in children's homes in Serbia and children's activities in the online environment, according to …
Mediji su sveprisutni u životu suvremenog čovjeka. Iako je svijet postojao i prije novina, radija, televizije i računala, čini se da je današnji život bez njih nezamisliv. Mediji olakšavaju …
LF ABREGU, JM MENDES, LA ARROYO - Revista ESPACIOS, 2018 - revistaespacios.com
The objective of this study is to determine the common elements that describe the symbolic consumption in groups of nine-year-old schoolchildren with a similar intellectual level. The …
LFA Tueros, JMR MENDES, LA ARROYO - revistaespacios.com
The objective of this study is to determine the common elements that describe the symbolic consumption in groups of nine-year-old schoolchildren with a similar intellectual level. The …
Diplomová práce" Volný čas dětí v kontextu rodinného prostředí" se zaměřuje na trávení volného času dětí v problémových rodinách ve srovnání s funkčními rodinami. V práci se …