Several-variable p-adic families of Siegel-Hilbert cusp eigensystems and their Galois representations

J Tilouine, E Urban - Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 1999 - Elsevier
Let F be a totally real field and G= GSp (4)/F. In this paper, we show under a weak
assumption that, given a Hecke eigensystem λ which is (p, P)-ordinary for a fixed parabolic P …

Abelian surfaces over totally real fields are potentially modular

G Boxer, F Calegari, T Gee, V Pilloni - Publications mathématiques de l' …, 2021 - Springer
We show that abelian surfaces (and consequently curves of genus 2) over totally real fields
are potentially modular. As a consequence, we obtain the expected meromorphic …

Selmer groups and the Eisenstein-Klingen ideal

E Urban - 2001 -
In this paper, we set up a strategy to prove one divisibility toward the main Iwasawa
conjecture for the Selmer groups attached to the twisted adjoint modular Galois …

-adic deformations of cohomology classes of subgroups of

A Ash, G Stevens - Collectanea mathematica, 1997 -
We construct $ p $-adic analytic families of $ p $-ordinary cohomology classes in the
cohomology of arithmetic subgroups of $ GL (n) $ with coefficients in a family of …

On the Siegel-Eisenstein measure and its applications

AA Panchishkin - Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2000 - Springer
An Eisenstein measure on the symplectic group over rational number field is constructed
which interpolates p-adically the Fourier expansion of Siegel-Eisenstein series. The proof is …

Adjoint modular Galois representations and their Selmer groups

H Hida, J Tilouine, E Urban - Proceedings of the National …, 1997 - National Acad Sciences
In the last 15 years, many class number formulas and main conjectures have been proven.
Here, we discuss such formulas on the Selmer groups of the three-dimensional adjoint …

On p -adic families of Siegel cusp forms in the Maaك Spezialschar

P Guerzhoy - 2000 -
0. Introduction p-adic families of Siegel modular forms were considered from various points
of view in recent years [10],[7]. In particular, p-adic families of Eisenstein series were …

On the control theorem for the symplectic group

K Buecker - Compositio Mathematica, 1998 -
We build a theory of Λ-adic Siegel modular forms related to the Klingen parabolic subgroup
of GSp (4). These correspond to families of cohomology classes of increasing levels whose …

[图书][B] Jacobi forms and a two-variable p-adic L-function

P Guerzhoy - 1996 - Citeseer
Introduction. Consider a Jacobi form φ (τ, z)=∑ n, rc (n, r) qnζr whose Fourier coefficients c
(n, r) are algebraic numbers. Let p be an odd prime. In this paper we associate to φ a Λ-adic …


A Ash, G Stevens - 2000 -
Our paper [AS-Barcelona] presented a control theorem on the ordinary part of a p-adic
deformation of the cohomology of congruence subgroups of GL (n, Z). In the current work …