The development of the brain, particularly the protracted maturation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), supports the development of episodic memory. Yet how different regions of the PFC …
The relationships between age, retrieval-related neural activity, and episodic memory performance were investigated in samples of young (18–29 yrs), middle-aged (43–55 yrs) …
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, subsequent memory effects (greater activity for later remembered than later forgotten study items) predictive of associative encoding …
Memory impairment is a common, disabling effect of traumatic brain injury. In healthy individuals, successful memory encoding is associated with activation of the dorsal attention …
Like several other cognitive abilities, episodic memory—consciously accessible memory for unique events—declines with increasing age. Over the past two decades or so, several …
The aging brain is characterized by neural dedifferentiation, an apparent decrease in the functional selectivity of category-selective cortical regions. Age-related reductions in neural …
Aging is characterized by substantial average decline in memory performance. Yet contradictory explanations have been given for how the brains of high-performing older …
Although declarative memory declines with age, sex and education might moderate these weaknesses. We investigated effects of sex and education on nonverbal declarative …
The impact of age on the neural correlates of familiarity-driven recognition memory has received relatively little attention. Here, the relationships between age, the neural correlates …