SB Dubovichenko - Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2013 - Springer
Results obtained in the studies of radiative neutron capture on light nuclei at thermal and astrophysical energies are reviewed. The capture reactions in question are part of the …
The book covers the certain questions of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics of light atomic nuclei and their processes at low and ultralow energies. Some methods of …
The book considers some theoretical questions of nuclear astro-physics thermal energies and light atomic nuclei. For the analysis of re-actions is used potential two cluster model of …
Книга посвящена отдельным вопросам ядерной физики и ядерной астрофизики легких атомных ядер и процессов с ними при низких и сверхнизких энергиях. Приводятся …