Efforts to avert dangerous climate change by conserving and restoring natural habitats are hampered by concerns over the credibility of methods used to quantify their long-term …
Learning from the quantum and information theories, we provide a new definition of value, which is expected to help economists relax assumptions and loosen established economic …
Carbon offsets from voluntary avoided-deforestation projects are generated on the basis of performance in relation to ex ante deforestation baselines. We examined the effects of 26 …
Most companies include carbon offsets in their net-zero strategy. However, many offset projects are poor quality and fail to reduce emissions as claimed. Here we focus on the …
It is unclear how much carbon should be stored in temporary and risky offsets to compensate one ton of CO2 emissions. Here we cast the social value of an offset (SVO), measured in …
Carbon credits generated through jurisdictional-scale avoided deforestation projects require accurate estimates of deforestation emission baselines, but there are serious challenges to …
Credit credibility threatens forests spread logging of old-growth stands, the EU is on track to fail its 2030 goals. Pressure on Europe's biomass-rich oldgrowth forests is high and rising …
Carbon markets play an important role in firms' and governments' climate strategies. Carbon crediting mechanisms allow project developers to earn carbon credits through mitigation …
B Filewod, G McCarney - One Earth, 2023 - cell.com
With nature-based offsets emerging as a core strategy for meeting near-term climate targets, it is essential they deliver real and verifiable mitigation gains. However, the interventions that …