S De Vries, RV Vohra - INFORMS Journal on computing, 2003 - pubsonline.informs.org
Many auctions involve the sale of a variety of distinct assets. Examples are airport time slots, delivery routes, network routing, and furniture. Because of complementarities or substitution …
Computer science and economics have engaged in a lively interaction over the past fifteen years, resulting in the new field of algorithmic game theory. Many problems that are central …
Environments with public goods are a wonderful playground for those interested in delicate experimental problems, serious theoretical challenges, and difficult mechanism design …
Information is a central concept in economics, and The Knowledge We Have Lost in Information explores its treatment in modern economics. The study of information, far from …
RP McAfee, J McMillan - Journal of economic literature, 1987 - JSTOR
ONE PARTY TO AN EXCHANGE often knows something relevant to the transaction that the other party does not know. Such asymmetries of information are pervasive in economic …
Providing a comprehensive introduction to modern auction theory and its important new applications, this book is written by a leading economic theorist whose suggestions guided …
Economists have lately been called upon not only to analyze markets, but to design them. Market design involves a responsibility for detail, a need to deal with all of a market's …
VL Smith - American economic review, 2003 - pubs.aeaweb.org
When we leave our closet, and engage in the common affairs of life,(reason's) conclusions seem to vanish, like the phantoms of the night on the appearance of the morning; and'tis …
DR Biggar, MR Hesamzadeh - 2014 - books.google.com
Bridges the knowledge gap between engineering and economics in a complex and evolving deregulated electricity industry, enabling readers to understand, operate, plan and design a …