The quality and the correctness of software are often the greatest concern in electronic systems. Formal verification tools can provide a guarantee that a design is free of specific …
W Visser, K Havelund, G Brat, SJ Park… - Automated software …, 2003 - Springer
The majority of work carried out in the formal methods community throughout the last three decades has (for good reasons) been devoted to special languages designed to make it …
D Engler, DY Chen, S Hallem, A Chou… - ACM SIGOPS Operating …, 2001 -
A major obstacle to finding program errors in a real system is knowing what correctness rules the system must obey. These rules are often undocumented or specified in an ad hoc …
We present an SMT-based symbolic model checking algorithm for safety verification of recursive programs. The algorithm is modular and analyzes procedures individually. Unlike …
R Alur, P Madhusudan - Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual ACM …, 2004 -
We propose the class of visibly pushdown languages as embeddings of context-free languages that is rich enough to model program analysis questions and yet is tractable and …
T Ball, SK Rajamani - Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT …, 2002 -
The goal of the Slam project is to check whether or not a program obeys" API usage rules" that specify what it means to be a good client of an API. The Slam toolkit statically analyzes a …
Model checking has been widely successful in validating and debugging designs in the hardware and protocol domains. However, state-space explosion limits the applicability of …
J Whaley, MS Lam - Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 conference …, 2004 -
This paper presents the first scalable context-sensitive, inclusion-based pointer alias analysis for Java programs. Our approach to context sensitivity is to create a clone of a …
T Ball, B Cook, V Levin, SK Rajamani - … , IFM 2004, Cnaterbury, UK, April 4 …, 2004 - Springer
The SLAM project originated in Microsoft Research in early 2000. Its goal was to automatically check that a C program correctly uses the interface to an external library. The …