Strategi Pembelajaran Dosen Melalui Pemanfaatan Media Whatsapp Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

J Tamara, S Sugiatno, E Yanuarti… - At-Ta'lim: Media …, 2020 -
SOSIOLOGIS Page 1 351 Vol. 19, No. 2, pp 351-373, 2020 Media Informasi Pendidikan …

Community-based development of Indonesian sericulture: An economic signification and defiance

R Agustarini, S Suharti, L Andadari, A Widarti… - AIP Conference …, 2023 -
The successful development of community-based sericulture requires new technologies
followed by continuous socialization in the community. As an ancient tradition of the people …

Business feasibility of several PS-01 hybrid silkworms (Bombix mori L.) cultivation scheme

D Yuniati, S Suharti, A Widiarti… - … Series: Earth and …, 2021 -
Abstract Forest Research and Development Center has developed technology to increase
productivity of sericulture through selection of types and varieties and cross-breeding to …

The effect of feeding various species of mulberry (Morus spp.) on the growth of silkworm and quality of cocoon hybrid BS 09

L Andadari - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental …, 2021 -
Hybrid silkworm varieties, mulberry species, environmental factors, and rearing factors are
essential for the cocoons' quality. The species of silkworm feeding is a key factor in the …

The Effectiveness of Provision Free Imported Silkworm Eggs in Soppeng Regency

A Sadapotto, N Armidha - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2023 -
The development of natural silk production is viewed as a promising endeavor with the
potential to uplift local communities by utilizing abandoned forest lands. The national …

Observing the prevalence of pebrine disease in silkworms and climate change: a case study in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

S Nuraeni, AS Soma, A Sadapotto, A Mujetahid… - 2023 -
A tropical country like Indonesia is highly susceptible to fluctuations in daily, monthly, and
decadal climate factors. The gradual or sudden accumulation of climate change can affect …

[PDF][PDF] Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Daun Jarak (Ricinus Communis) Sebagai Pakan Ulat Sutera Eri

A Shakilla, Z Zamarudah, DA Rahmasari… - Cendekia: Jurnal …, 2022 -
Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan budidaya ulat sutera eri dengan menggunakan
daun jarak untuk memanfaatkan lahan kosong di Desa Panggungrejo, Kepanjen Malang …

Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity Of Care (COC) dengan Normal

MI Fernandez, A Widyaningsih - Prosiding Seminar Nasional …, 2024 -
Continuity of care is the provision of obstetric care starting from pregnancy, childbirth,
postpartum, neonate to deciding to use family planning This aims to be an effort to help …

Distribusi Spasial dan Temporal Curah Hujan di Kecamatan Mumbulsari Kabupaten Jember

Hujan merupakan faktor penting dalam upaya pengelolaan air, seperti dalam bidang
pertanian. Wilayah dengan penggunaan lahan yang didominasi oleh lahan pertanian …

Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care (COC) pada Ny L Umur 23 Tahun GIP0A0 di Desa Candirejo

I Malisa -
Continuity of care (CoC) is a service that is achieved when there is an ongoing relationship
between a woman and a midwife. Continuing care relates to the quality of service over time …