[HTML][HTML] 마비말장애화자의포먼트전이와모음공간에대한음향학적특성

남현욱, 박희준 - 언어치료연구, 2021 - jslhd.org
마비말장애의 구어 명료도 분석을 위한 객관적인 음향학적 평가로 모음공간 (vowel space)
분석이 유용하게 사용되고 있다. 하지만 모음공간 분석의 경우 사용자가 특정화된 수식을 …

[PDF][PDF] Acoustic characteristics of formant transition and vowel space of dysarthric Speakers

HW Nam, HJ Park - Journal of Speech-Language, 2021 - jslhd.org
Purpose: Vowel space is useful as an objective acoustic evaluation for the analysis of
speech intelligibility of dysarthric speakers. However, vowel space has the disadvantage of …

[HTML][HTML] 경직형마비말장애의탄설음지속시간특성

남현욱, 박희준 - 언어치료연구, 2023 - jslhd.org
Purpose: Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder leading to imprecise articulation disorder.
Reduced tongue mobility in dysarthria causes problems with articulation. Flaps sound (FS) …

[PDF][PDF] The Characteristics of Flaps Sound Duration in Spastic Dysarthria1

HW Nam, HJ Park - Journal of Speech, 2023 - jslhd.org
Purpose: Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder leading to imprecise articulation disorder.
Reduced tongue mobility in dysarthria causes problems with articulation. Flaps sound (FS) …

[HTML][HTML] 오픈소스소프트웨어를이용한마비말장애화자의일련운동속도분석

박희준 - 언어치료연구, 2020 - jslhd.org
Purpose: Diachochokinetic analysis is often used to evaluate the objective speech
production capability of dysarthria speakers. NeuroSpeech enables the analysis of …

[PDF][PDF] An Analysis of Sequential Motion Rate in Dysarthric Speakers Using Open-Source Software1) 2)

HJ Park - Journal of Speech, 2020 - jslhd.org
Purpose: Diachochokinetic analysis is often used to evaluate the objective speech
production capability of dysarthria speakers. NeuroSpeech enables the analysis of …

[PDF][PDF] 말소리와음성과학

J Park, C Seong - eksss.org
This study aimed to primarily examine perceptions about occupational suitability made by
vocational counselors for adults who stutter and associated factors. A total of 69 vocational …


박희준, 안신욱, 신범주 - 말소리와음성과학, 2018 - dbpia.co.kr
Purpose: The primary goal of this study was to discover whether the articulatory
diadochokinesis (sequential motionrate, SMR) collected using the Motor Speech Disorder …

[HTML][HTML] Analysis of sequential motion rate in dysarthric speakers using a software

H Park, S An, B Shin - Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 2018 - eksss.org
Purpose: The primary goal of this study was to discover whether the articulatory
diadochokinesis (sequential motionrate, SMR) collected using the Motor Speech Disorder …