Background/Objectives: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated with an increased risk of obesity and disordered eating behaviors. This study compared weight …
A Join, A Social, AA Month, AL Team - 2023 -
Have you ever had to deal with a faulty light switch? One moment, you can see clearly. The next, the lights go out, and you're stuck trying to find your way around in the dark. Life with …
Мета роботи—вивчити сучасний стан проблеми поширення надмірної ваги у дитячій популяції та наслідків такого порушення фізичного розвитку, проаналізувати нові …
The purpose is to study modern prevalence of overweight in the children's population, sequelae of this physical disorder and to analyze new diagnostic biomarkers comorbidity in …