Rethinking youth citizenship after the age of entitlement

L Walsh, R Black - 2018 -
This book seeks to rethink citizenship in relation to young people by examining it from civic
and political, cultural and economic perspectives. It illustrates how young people are …

[PDF][PDF] Critical corpse studies: Engaging with corporeality and mortality in curriculum

M Helmsing, C van Kessel - Taboo: The Journal of …, 2020 -
This article focuses on the pedagogical questions we might consider when teaching with
and about corpses. Whereas much recent posthumanist writing in educational research …

Making the hopeful citizen in precarious times

R Black - Young people and the politics of outrage and hope, 2018 -
Since the Global Financial Crisis or gfc of 2008–2009 and the austerity measures that
numerous nations have adopted in its wake, education and citizenship have both become …

Unreasonable rage, disobedient dissent: The social construction of student activists and the limits of student engagement

J Gagnon - Learning and Teaching, 2018 -
A bstract This article explores the limits of student engagement in higher education in the
United Kingdom through the social construction of student activists within media discourses …

Dystopian Identities: Exhuming the World of Zombies through the Camera's Eye: A Documentary

J Kimble - 2016 - digitalcommons.georgiasouthern …
This research seeks to understand how engagement in zombie media culture helps its
participants to navigate their everyday fears, develop identity, and form meaningful …

[PDF][PDF] Gen Z Indonesia in the Era of Post-Pandemic Disruption

NP Sari, MA Setiawan, A Hadi, HM Utama, MHM Yasin -
The post-pandemic era has had a significant impact on student time management,
especially for middle-level students who do not have enough time to complete their school …

[PDF][PDF] Australian Educational Policy, School Funding, and Equity

MP SINCLAIR, EM GRAY - Duggan, S., Gray, E., Kelly, P., Finn, K …, 2019 -
Social justice requires arrangements that make it possible for all to participate in social life
on equal footing (Fraser, 2008, 2009). We suggest education systems play a key role in …

[DOC][DOC] Education for Human Rights: Opportunities and challenges arising from Australian Curriculum reform John Buchanan, University of Technology Sydney

N Burridge -
This paper examines the place of human rights education in Australian schools in the light of
the implementation of the national curriculum and unprecedented educational and …