Galvanized by Greta Thunberg's idea for Friday school strikes,“climate strikes” emerged in 2018 and 2019 as a form of youth social movement demanding far-reaching action on …
Con un lenguaje claro, ameno y accesible, la obra de Donatella della Porta y Mario Diani sigue siendo, hoy por hoy, una referencia obligada para los investigadores, además de un …
Honorable Mention, 2010 Book Award, Global Division, Society for the Study of Social ProblemsHonorable Mention, 2010 PEWS Book Award, Political Economy of the World …
The idea of narrative has become increasingly appropriated in empirical research in both psychology and politics, yet there is a notable absence of integrative frameworks that specify …
Politics in the Middle East is now'seen'and the image is playing a central part in processes of political struggle. This is the first book in the literature to engage directly with these changing …
LGBT activism is often imagined as a self-contained struggle, inspired by but set apart from other social movements. Lavender and Red recounts a far different story: a history of queer …
Since 1981, some 300 organizations-some of them secular and others affiliated to radical Islam-have carried out more than 600 suicide missions. This book provides information and …
Global crises such as rising economic inequality, volatile financial markets, and devastating climate change illustrate the defects of a global economic order controlled largely by …
As recently as 1970, child sexual abuse was seen as extremely rare and usually harmless. Over thirty years later, the media regularly covers child sexual abuse cases, many survivors …