Competitive anxiety is an important factor in an athlete's performance. It varies significantly in its strength and depends on gender, ethnicity, role, and training experience. Due to the …
Competitive anxiety is related to athletes' performance. Due to this, it is important to maintain it on an optimal level. While anxiety has a well-studied gender difference that is related to …
Physical education and sports for people with disabilities are the areas of physical and social rehabilitation. The implementation of this can be possible through the use of an …
KV Prontenko, TA Вublei… - Information …, 2020 -
The article features a method of evaluation of individual fitness of children aged 10-14 at football classes involving the use of the “E-journal Football” computer program, taking into …
І Когут, О Степанюк - Теорія і методика фізичного …, 2022 -
Аналіз літературних джерел свідчить, що студентська молодь–це один із найважливіших ресурсів спортивної волонтерської діяльності. Дослідження основних …
Анотація Спортивні ігри є одним з найбільш дієвих механізмів масового залучення студентської молоді до занять фізичними вправами та спортом, підвищення їх рухової …
In recent decades, the development of the physical health and mental health of adolescents in China has not been viewed optimistically. It is necessary to explain the relationship …
Grassroots football is an essential issue in various countries for football development. However, research on the development and significance of football at the grassroots level …
In the theory of sport the issue concerning training athletes with intellectual disabilities is one of the least studied ones. The article considers the methodical features of training sessions …