Seabird populations experience predation that can impact their breeding density and breeding success. The Cape gannet Morus capensis is endemic to the Benguela upwelling …
A total of 61 specimens representing five species of shag–Auckland Island shag Leucocarbo colensoi, little pied shag Microcarbo melanoleucos brevirostris, black shag Phalacrocorax …
Long-distance movements for foraging, dispersing or migrating are ubiquitous throughout the animal kingdom and key for many ecological and evolutionary processes (Bowler & …
Resumen El Cisne de Cuello Negro destaca por su gran importancia cultural y ecológica debido a su sensibilidad a cambios ambientales; su población mundial se ha estimado …
Nowadays, a challenge in wildlife management and nature conservation is to reach a state of human-wildlife coexistence, integrating wildlife into the human-dominated landscape …
P Fernández Ortíz - 2023 -
La reciente presencia del lobo fino austral [LFA] en la lobera de Punta Curaumilla (33° 05′ S) tiene varios motivos y explicaciones. Sin embargo, no hay estudios respecto a su …