Fibroblast growth factor signaling during early vertebrate development

RT Bottcher, C Niehrs - Endocrine reviews, 2005 -
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) have been implicated in diverse cellular processes
including apoptosis, cell survival, chemotaxis, cell adhesion, migration, differentiation, and …

[HTML][HTML] Convergent extension: the molecular control of polarized cell movement during embryonic development

JB Wallingford, SE Fraser, RM Harland - Developmental cell, 2002 -
During development, vertebrate embryos undergo dramatic changes in shape. The
lengthening and narrowing of a field of cells, termed convergent extension, contributes to a …

The polycomb group protein EZH2 is involved in progression of prostate cancer

S Varambally, SM Dhanasekaran, M Zhou, TR Barrette… - Nature, 2002 -
Prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related death in males and is second only to
lung cancer. Although effective surgical and radiation treatments exist for clinically localized …

Xwnt11 is a target of Xenopus Brachyury: regulation of gastrulation movements via Dishevelled, but not through the canonical Wnt pathway

M Tada, JC Smith - Development, 2000 -
Gastrulation in the amphibian embryo is driven by cells of the mesoderm. One of the genes
that confers mesodermal identity in Xenopus is Brachyury (Xbra), which is required for …

T‐box genes in early embryogenesis

C Showell, O Binder, FL Conlon - Developmental dynamics: an …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
The T‐box gene family, encoding related DNA‐binding transcriptional regulators, plays an
essential role in controlling many aspects of embryogenesis in a wide variety of organisms …

FGFR-related gene nou-darake restricts brain tissues to the head region of planarians

F Cebria, C Kobayashi, Y Umesono, M Nakazawa… - Nature, 2002 -
The study of planarian regeneration may help us to understand how we can rebuild organs
and tissues after injury, disease or ageing. The robust regenerative abilities of planarians …

Mixl1 is required for axial mesendoderm morphogenesis and patterning in the murine embryo

AH Hart, L Hartley, K Sourris, ES Stadler, R Li… - 2002 -
In Xenopus, the Mix/Bix family of homeobox genes has been implicated in mesendoderm
development. Mixl1 is the only known murine member of this family. To examine the role of …

Vertebrate somitogenesis

O Pourquié - Annual review of cell and developmental biology, 2001 -
▪ Abstract In vertebrates, the paraxial mesoderm corresponds to the bilateral strips of
mesodermal tissue flanking the notochord and neural tube and which are delimited laterally …

Shaping the zebrafish notochord

NS Glickman, CB Kimmel, MA Jones, RJ Adams - 2003 -
Promptly after the notochord domain is specified in the vertebrate dorsal mesoderm, it
undergoes dramatic morphogenesis. Beginning during gastrulation, convergence and …

Gastrulation movements: the logic and the nuts and bolts

M Leptin - Developmental cell, 2005 -
Gastrulation, the period during the early development of animals when major cell and tissue
movements remodel an initially unstructured group of cells, requires coordinated control of …