This study analyzes comprehensively the role of green technology, environmental taxes, and green energy toward a sustainable environment in 5 sovereign Nordic countries by also …
Large-scale development of solar-generated electricity is hindered in some regions of the US by land use competition and localized social resistance. One approach to alleviate these …
L Gitelman, E Magaril, M Kozhevnikov - Energies, 2023 -
The article presents the conceptual features of energy security management under a radically changed context, increasing crisis phenomena, and threats of various natures. The …
Abstract The Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7, Affordable and Clean Energy) is the key to achieving climate goals and constructing effective policies have an immense role to …
To achieve national energy and climate targets across the world, there is a key focus on solar energy development. It is clear from literature that many countries have enormous …
The article explores energy policy tradeoffs faced by states that expand renewable electricity production and are part of cross-border electricity systems. We develop the concept of an …
Proponents of renewable energy often argue that renewables bolster national energy sovereignty. Most of the scholarship however focuses on security of supply, imports and …
Rapidly building utility-scale energy infrastructure requires not only public support but also political will across levels of government. Here we use a conjoint experiment to assess …
This study investigates the international Photovoltaic Supply Chain (PVSC) from the perspective of the recent literature on Strategic Dependencies and Technological …