Conformal blocks on smoothings via mode transition algebras

C Damiolini, A Gibney, D Krashen - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.03767, 2023 -
Here we define a series of associative algebras attached to a vertex operator algebra $ V $,
called mode transition algebras, showing they reflect both algebraic properties of $ V $ and …

On factorization and vector bundles of conformal blocks from vertex algebras

C Damiolini, A Gibney, N Tarasca - arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.04683, 2019 -
Representations of vertex operator algebras define sheaves of coinvariants and conformal
blocks on moduli of stable pointed curves. Assuming certain finiteness and semisimplicity …

Conformal blocks from vertex algebras and their connections on ℳg, n

C Damiolini, A Gibney, N Tarasca - Geometry & Topology, 2021 -
We show that coinvariants of modules over vertex operator algebras give rise to
quasicoherent sheaves on moduli of stable pointed curves. These generalize Verlinde …

On global generation of vector bundles on the moduli space of curves from representations of vertex operator algebras

C Damiolini, A Gibney - arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.06923, 2021 -
We consider global generation of sheaves of coinvariants on the moduli space of curves
given by simple modules over certain vertex operator algebras, extending results for affine …

Convergence of sewing conformal blocks

B Gui - Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2024 - World Scientific
In a recent work [On factorization and vector bundles of conformal blocks from vertex
algebras, preprint (2019), arXiv: 1909.04683], Damiolini et al. showed that for a C 2-cofinite …

Factorization presentations

C Damiolini, A Gibney, D Krashen - arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.05110, 2022 -
Modules over a vertex operator algebra V give rise to sheaves of coinvariants on moduli of
stable pointed curves. If V satisfies finiteness and semi-simplicity conditions, these sheaves …

Conformal blocks in genus zero and the KZ connection

P Belkale, N Fakhruddin - Perspectives on Four Decades of Algebraic …, 2024 - Springer
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Unbounded field operators in categorical extensions of conformal nets

B Gui - arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.03095, 2020 -
We prove the equivalence of VOA tensor categories and conformal net tensor categories for
the following examples: all WZW models; all lattice VOAs; all unitary parafermion VOAs; type …

Lazy tournaments and multidegrees of a projective embedding of

M Gillespie, ST Griffin, J Levinson - arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.00050, 2021 -
We provide a new geometric interpretation of the multidegrees of the (iterated) Kapranov
embedding $\Phi_n:\overline {M} _ {0, n+ 3}\hookrightarrow\mathbb {P}^ 1\times\mathbb …

Genus Zhu Recursion for Vertex Operator Algebras and Their Modules

MP Tuite, M Welby - arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.13717, 2023 -
We describe Zhu recursion for a vertex operator algebra (VOA) and its modules on a genus
$ g $ Riemann surface in the Schottky uniformisation. We show that $ n $-point (intertwiner) …