This chapter surveys the literature on housing in macroeconomics. We first collect facts on house prices and quantities in both the time series and the cross section of households and …
We show that the COVID-19 pandemic brought house price and rent declines in city centers, and price and rent increases away from the center, thereby flattening the bid-rent curve in …
We construct a comprehensive dataset on a near universe of non-fungible token (NFT) transactions, create indices for the NFT market and its components, and analyze their …
We show that housing markets provide information about the appropriate discount rates for valuing investments in climate change abatement. Real estate is exposed to both …
A model in which homebuyers make a modest approximation leads house prices to display three features present in the data but usually missing from rational models: momentum at …
T Adrian, N Liang - 52nd issue (January 2018) of the International Journal …, 2018 -
We review a growing literature that incorporates endogenous risk premiums and risk-taking in the conduct of monetary policy. Accommodative policy can create an intertemporal …
In this paper, we solve a dynamic model of households' mortgage decisions incorporating labor income, house price, inflation, and interest rate risk. Using a zero‐profit condition for …
This paper studies a quantitative general equilibrium model of housing. The model has two key elements not previously considered in existing quantitative macro studies of housing …
We document large long-run differences in average house price appreciation across metropolitan areas over the past 50 years, and show they can be explained by an inelastic …