With the rapid advancements in 3D game technology, workload characterization has become crucial for each new generation of games. The increased complexity of scenes in …
Communicating linear algebra in written form is challenging: mathematicians must choose between writing in languages that produce well-formatted but semantically-underdefined …
Programming is fraught with accidental complexity. Software, including tools used for programming, is inflexible and hard to adapt to one's specific problem context. Programming …
There has been growing demand for graphical image rendering in the past several decades. This demand has arisen primarily in video games, but also from fields as broad as film, art …
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo en determinar cómo se relaciona la discalculia en los procesos de aprendizajes matemáticos en niños del quinto año de una institución educativa …
Systems of transformations arise in many programming systems, such as in graphs of implicit type conversion functions. It is important to ensure that these diagrams commute: that …
Résumé La programmation graphique permet de créer des applications 3D et est notamment utilisée pour la conception de jeux vidéo ainsi que pour la modélisation. A …