A Canonaco, P Stellari - Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper surveys the recent advances concerning the relations between triangulated (or derived) categories and their dg enhancements. We explain when some interesting …
" Ha habido muy pocas exposiciones sistemáticas de la teoría de las categorías derivadas desde su inicio en el trabajo de Grothendieck y Verdier en la década de 1960. Este libro es …
To any well-behaved homology theory we associate a derived $\infty $-category which encodes its Adams spectral sequence. As applications, we prove a conjecture of Franke on …
B Gheorghe, G Wang, Z Xu - Acta Mathematica, 2021 - projecteuclid.org
For each prime p, we define at‑structure on the category \,\!S^0,0/τ-Mod_harm^b of harmonic C-motivic left-module spectra over \,\!S^0,0/τ, whose MGL-homology has bounded Chow …
M Saorín, J Št'ovíček - Selecta Mathematica, 2023 - Springer
We study when the heart of at-structure in a triangulated category D with coproducts is AB5 or a Grothendieck category. If D satisfies Brown representability, at-structure has an AB5 …
We exhibit examples of triangulated categories which are neither the stable category of a Frobenius category nor a full triangulated subcategory of the homotopy category of a stable …
B Gheorghe - Documenta Mathematica, 2018 - content.ems.press
Consider the Tate twist τ∈ H0, 1 (S0, 0) in the mod 2 cohomology of the motivic sphere. After 2-completion, the motivic Adams spectral sequence realizes this element as a map τ …
Triangulated categories were introduced in the mid 1960's by JL Verdier in his thesis, reprinted in [15]. Axioms similar to Verdier's were independently also suggested in [2] …