TW Christensen - Routledge handbook of deradicalisation and …, 2020 -
This chapter identifies some of the critical differences between state, public and civil society actors and discusses the possibilities and challenges involved conditioned by the outlook …
MS Elshimi - Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper re-frames the concept of causality in deradicalisation, disengagement and reintegration pathways. Analysis of the theories and frameworks in counter-terrorism …
PROGRAMMES AIMED AT preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) have emerged especially over the last decade. 1 Some programmes are designed to build …
Tusenvis av menn har gjennom en årrekke reist fra sine hjemland for å delta i jihadistgrupper. Etter at terrororganisasjonen Den islamske stat (IS) etablerte et kalifat på …
Over the past years, researchers have become increasingly interested in evolutionary views of the numerous forms of social behaviour that lead to radicalization, violent extremism and …
Koristimo priliku da iskažemo posebnu zahvalnost Hedayah timu, koji nas je brižno pratio i podržavao od početka pisanja projektnog prijedloga, a posebno Galenu Englundu koji je …
Hvordan dekkes terror utført av ekstreme islamister i norske nyhetsmedier, og hvilke utfordringer står nyhetsmediene overfor når de skal dekke terrorhendelser? Denne …