Elastic energies for nematic elastomers

A DeSimone, L Teresi - The European Physical Journal E, 2009 - Springer
We discuss several elastic energies for nematic elastomers and their small strain
expansions both in the regime of large director rotations, and in the case that director …

Quasiconvex functions incorporating volumetric constraints are rank-one convex

S Conti - Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, 2008 - Elsevier
We prove that a quasiconvex function W: Mn× n→[0,∞] which is finite on the set Σ={F: detF=
1} is rank-one convex, and hence continuous, on Σ; and the same for constraints on minors …

Γ-convergence for incompressible elastic plates

S Conti, G Dolzmann - Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential …, 2009 - Springer
We derive a two-dimensional model for elastic plates as a Γ-limit of three-dimensional
nonlinear elasticity with the constraint of incompressibility. The resulting model describes …

Mixed analytical–numerical relaxation in finite single-slip crystal plasticity

C Carstensen, S Conti, A Orlando - Continuum Mechanics and …, 2008 - Springer
The modeling of the finite elastoplastic behaviour of single crystals with one active slip
system leads to a nonconvex variational problem, whose minimization produces fine …

Relaxation of a model in finite plasticity with two slip systems

S Conti, G Dolzmann, C Kreisbeck - Mathematical models and …, 2013 - World Scientific
The macroscopic material response of a variational model in geometrically nonlinear elasto-
plasticity with two active slip systems, rigid elasticity, and hardening is determined. In …

[HTML][HTML] Topology optimization with optimality criteria and transmissible loads

G Chiandussi, M Codegone, S Ferrero - Computers & Mathematics with …, 2009 - Elsevier
The paper describes how to take into consideration the presence of transmissible loads in a
topology optimization method based on optimality criteria. The optimization problem has …

Infinite-order laminates in a model in crystal plasticity

N Albin, S Conti, G Dolzmann - Proceedings of the Royal Society of …, 2009 - cambridge.org
We consider a geometrically nonlinear model for crystal plasticity in two dimensions, with
two active slip systems and rigid elasticity. We prove that the rank-1 convex envelope of the …

Negative Poisson's ratio and semisoft elasticity of smectic- liquid-crystal elastomers

AW Brown, JM Adams - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
Models of smectic-C liquid-crystal elastomers predict that they can display soft elasticity, in
which the shape of the elastomer changes at no energy cost. The amplitude of the soft mode …

Localization principle and relaxation

JP Mandallena - Advances in Calculus of Variations, 2013 - degruyter.com
Relaxation theorems for multiple integrals on, where, are proved under general conditions
on the integrand which is Borel measurable and not necessarily finite. We involve a …

Textured deformations in liquid crystal elastomers

JS Biggins - Liquid Crystals, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Liquid crystal elastomers exhibit very rich elastic behaviour because they couple elastic
fields and mobile liquid crystal order. One striking phenomenon is the formation of textured …