SM Sherman - Nature neuroscience, 2016 -
Several challenges to current views of thalamocortical processing are offered here. Glutamatergic pathways in thalamus and cortex are divided into two distinct classes: driver …
Humans and many other animals have an enormous capacity to learn about sensory stimuli and to master new skills. However, many of the mechanisms that enable us to learn remain …
Neocortex, the neuronal structure at the base of the remarkable cognitive skills of mammals, is a layered sheet of neuronal tissue composed of juxtaposed and interconnected columns …
Tactile information is actively acquired and processed in the brain through concerted interactions between movement and sensation. Somatosensory input is often the result of …
The previous editions of The Rat Nervous System were indispensable guides for those working on the rat and mouse as experimental models. The fourth edition enhances this …
D Feldmeyer - Frontiers in neuroanatomy, 2012 -
Neocortical areas are believed to be organized into vertical modules, the cortical columns, and the horizontal layers 1–6. In the somatosensory barrel cortex these columns are defined …
The primary somatosensory barrel cortex processes tactile vibrissae information, allowing rodents to actively perceive spatial and textural features of their immediate surroundings …
AM Thomson - Frontiers in neuroanatomy, 2010 -
This review attempts to summarise some of the major areas of neocortical research as it pertains to layer 6. After a brief summary of the development of this intriguing layer, the …
AM Hattox, SB Nelson - Journal of neurophysiology, 2007 -
Layer V pyramidal neurons are anatomically and physiologically heterogeneous and project to multiple intracortical and subcortical targets. However, because most physiological …