This paper is concerned with the approximation of matrix functionals of the form w T f (A) v, where A∈ ℝ n× n A∈R^n*n is a large nonsymmetric matrix, w, v∈ ℝ nw,v∈R^n, and f is a …
In this thesis we develop efficient numerical methods for the approximation of matrix functionals of the form F (A):= w^ Tf (A) v, where A is a large symmetric or nonsymmetric …
Abstract (DE) Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, inwiefern sich gegebene Verfahren zur Approximation von rationalen Krylow-Räumen zur Berechnung von …
In this presentation we revisit the approximate rational Krylov method [1, 2, 3]. We present two alternative but mathematically equivalent formulations of the same algorithm. The first …