Snow is a major determinant of forage availability for reindeer and caribou (Rangifer tarandus; hereafter Rangifer) in winter and is, consequently, a medium through which …
JÅ Riseth, H Tømmervik, E Helander-Renvall… - Polar Record, 2011 -
Scientific studies of challenges of climate change could be improved by including other sources of knowledge, such as traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), in this case relating …
S Roturier, M Roué - Forest Ecology and Management, 2009 - Elsevier
Over the last few decades, the use of forests both by Sámi reindeer herders and for commercial forestry has been a source of increasing conflict in northern Sweden. Forestry …
Snow conditions play an important role for reindeer herding. In particular, the formation of ice crusts after rain‐on‐snow (ROS) events or general surface thawing with subsequent …
M Landauer, S Rasmus, BC Forbes - Regional Environmental Change, 2021 - Springer
Reindeer management (RM) in northern Fennoscandia is an example of social-ecological systems (SESs) providing social, cultural, ecological, and economic values. Changing …
In northern Finland, reindeer-herd management has experienced two major transitions: extensification of intensive herding, and development of supplementary/corral feeding in …
The recovery and expansion of large carnivores have increased livestock damage in Europe, one example being the reindeer husbandry in northern Fennoscandia. Mostly free …
The reindeer is a ruminant of the family Cervidae with a circumpolar distribution that has been a key component of Eurasian high latitude ecosystems for at least 2 million years …
Controversy between alternative uses of forests in Finnish Upper Lapland has been going on for decades, and in recent years it has been escalated to a serious conflict. The core of …