The underachievement of gifted students: What do we know and where do we go?

SM Reis, DB McCoach - Gifted child quarterly, 2000 -
The process of defining underachievement, identifying underachieving gifted students, and
explaining the reasons for this underachievement continues to stir controversy among …

Reexamining gifted underachievement and dropout through the lens of student engagement

RN Landis, AL Reschly - Journal for the Education of the …, 2013 -
The issue of high school dropout has long concerned policy makers, educational
professionals, and the general public. In the gifted literature, this concern is no less pressing …

[图书][B] Education of the gifted and talented

GA Davis, SB Rimm - 1989 -
This text was prepared as an introduction to the exciting field of gifted education. It is suitable
for college undergraduate and graduate readers, for in-service teachers in elementary or …

The school attitude assessment survey-revised: A new instrument to identify academically able students who underachieve

DB McCoach, D Siegle - Educational and Psychological …, 2003 -
The purpose of this study was to design a psychometrically sound instrument to measure
adolescents' attitudes toward school, attitudes toward teachers, goal-valuation, motivation …

Gifted achievers and underachievers: A comparison of patterns found in school files

JS Peterson, N Colangelo - Journal of Counseling & …, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
Underachievement in gifted students has perplexed educators and parents for decades.
Researchers are continually looking for information about the nature and patterns of gifted …

On being gifted, but sad and misunderstood: Social, emotional, and academic outcomes of gifted students in the Wollongong Youth Study

W Vialle, PCL Heaven, J Ciarrochi - Educational research and …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
This research examined the relationships among personality factors, social support,
emotional well-being, and academic achievement in 65 gifted secondary students, a sample …

A developmental, person-centered approach to exploring multiple motivational pathways in gifted underachievement

KE Snyder, L Linnenbrink-Garcia - Educational Psychologist, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Research on underachieving gifted students has uncovered a large number of
characteristics differentiating gifted underachieving and achieving students. However, less is …

Academic underachievement: Relationship with cognitive motivation, achievement motivation, and conscientiousness

F Preckel, H Holling, M Vock - Psychology in the Schools, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
In this study, the role of need for cognition, achievement motivation, and conscientiousness
on academic underachievement was investigated. Forty‐seven male and 46 female …

[图书][B] The underachieving gifted child: Recognizing, understanding, and reversing underachievement

D Siegle - 2021 -
Why are some gifted children willing to tackle new challenges whereas others seem
insecure or uninterested? Why do some gifted students achieve while others become caught …

Underachievement in gifted and talented students with special needs

SM Reis, DB McCoach - Exceptionality, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Talented students underachieve for many reasons and in many different circumstances.
Unfortunately, there is no panacea for how to reverse underachievement in students whose …