Zeolite as a catalyst can increase its activity by carrying out physical and chemical activation processes. Physical activation can be activated by reducing the size of the zeolite through …
Ucapan terima kasih penulis sampaikan kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan kontribusi baik dukungan moral maupun spiritual demi suksesnya penyusunan seminar …
Many methods of processing well water have been previously studied, but there has been no research aimed at reducing the physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters so …
Abstracts: Rubber seed is rubber plant waste that has the potential as a source of bioenergy. Rubber seed contains 40-50% oil, and rubber seed shell contains lignocellulose (cellulose …
INDONESIA: Methyl red adalah limbah zat warna yang banyak digunakan oleh industri tekstil dan bersifat toksik terhadap lingkungan. Sebagian besar zat warna tekstil hilang …