B Protner - Glasnik Slovenskega Etnološkega Društva, 2015 - search.ebscohost.com
During the conflict, which started in 1984 and has not been completely resolved yet, the Turkish government and the rebellious PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) spread demonizing …
B Protner - Glasnik Slovenskega Etnoloskega Drustva, 2015 - search.proquest.com
During the conflict, which started in 1984 and has not been completely resolved yet, the Turkish government and the rebellious PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) spread demonizing …
Tässä pro gradussa tarkastellaan globaalia mediakeskustelua Turkin kesän 2013 protesteista esimerkkinä oikeudenmukaisuudesta käytävästä tulkintakamppailusta. Työssä …
RB Protner - ne Ethnological Society, 2015 - cdn.domdesign.com
During the conflict, which started in 1984 and has not been completely resolved yet, the Turkish government and the rebellious PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) spread demonizing …