Effective Work Functions of the Elements: Database, Most probable value, Previously recommended value, Polycrystalline thermionic contrast, Change at critical …

H Kawano - Progress in surface science, 2022 - Elsevier
As a much-enriched supplement to the previous review paper entitled the “Effective work
functions for ionic and electronic emissions from mono-and polycrystalline surfaces”[Prog …

Magnetic anisotropy in metallic multilayers

MT Johnson, PJH Bloemen… - Reports on Progress …, 1996 - iopscience.iop.org
Ferromagnetic materials exhibit intrinsiceasy'andhard'directions of the magnetization. This
magnetic anisotropy is, from both a technological and fundamental viewpoint one of the …

Magnetism in ultrathin film structures

CAF Vaz, JAC Bland, G Lauhoff - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
In this paper, we review some of the key concepts in ultrathin film magnetism which underpin
nanomagnetism. We survey the results of recent experimental and theoretical studies of well …

[图书][B] Theory of itinerant electron magnetism

J Kübler - 2000 - books.google.com
This book, in the broadest sense, is an application of quantum mechanics and statistical
mechanics to the field of magnetism. Under certain well described circumstances, an …

Ruderman-Kittel theory of oscillatory interlayer exchange coupling

P Bruno, C Chappert - Physical Review B, 1992 - APS
Abstract We present a Ruderman-Kittel approach to the problem of oscillatory exchange
coupling between ferromagnetic layers separated by a nonmagnetic metal spacer. This …

Ultrathin metallic magnetic films: magnetic anisotropies and exchange interactions

B Heinrich, JF Cochran - Advances in Physics, 1993 - Taylor & Francis
Ultrathin magnetic metallic films have beenintensity investigated and have resulted in a wide
range of exciting studies which are attractive to scientists working in the basic aspects of low …

Quantum-well states and magnetic coupling between ferromagnets through a noble-metal layer

JE Ortega, FJ Himpsel, GJ Mankey, RF Willis - Physical Review B, 1993 - APS
Using inverse photoemission and photoemission we find that the bulk bands become
discretized in highly perfect layer structures, such as Cu on fcc Co (100), Cu on fcc Fe (100) …

Magnetic anisotropies and exchange coupling in ultrathin fcc Co (001) structures

B Heinrich, JF Cochran, M Kowalewski, J Kirschner… - Physical Review B, 1991 - APS
Metastable fcc structures using ultrathin layers of metastable fcc Co (001) and fcc Cu (001)
were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. The growth was studied using reflection high …

Quantum well states as mediators of magnetic coupling in superlattices

JE Ortega, FJ Himpsel - Physical review letters, 1992 - APS
Quantum well states are found at the Fermi level in Cu on Co (100) and Ag on Fe (100)
using inverse photoemission. They appear every 5.9±0.5 layers in Cu/Co (100), which …

Giant magnetoresistance in electrodeposited films

W Schwarzacher, DS Lashmore - IEEE Transactions on …, 1996 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electrodeposition is one of the simpler and cheaper processes available for the fabrication
of thin metal films. Recent developments have made it possible to electrodeposit a wide …