Pengembangan Media E-Learning Interaktif Dalam Menyongsong Revolusi Industri 4.0 Pada Materi Ekosistem Untuk Siswa SMA: Interactive Media Development of E …

A Sadikin, N Hakim - Biodik, 2019 -
Media pembelajaran biologi berbasis elektronik penting dikembangkan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan siswa seiring perkembangan revolusi industri 4.0. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah …

Tantangan dan strategi guru di era revolusi industri 4.0 dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan

D Retnaningsih - Prosiding Seminar Nasional: Kebijakan Dan …, 2019 -
Abstract Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 merupakan era yang menuntut perubahan secara cepat.
Era ini ditandai adanya sistem cyber-fisik, komputasi awan dan Internet of Things (IoT). Hal …

Efektivitas Asesmen Diagnostik dalam Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi pada Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

GAPTW Wulandari… - Nusantara: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Students have very diverse backgrounds, so diagnostic assessments are needed in the
practice of learning Indonesian at SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Utara. Diagnostic assessments are …

Digital Competence of Post-Pandemic Teachers Based on Gender, Work Period, and Certification Factors

S Saluky, OR Riyanto, S Rahmah - … education learning and …, 2022 -
Technological developments must be balanced with the skills of mastering these
technological products. Digital competence is highly correlated with the use and awareness …

Strategi manajemen pendidik di era digitalisasi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di SMAN 1 NA IX-X

KF Rambe - Multatuli: Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu, 2024 -
Education is currently very obligatory to use technology in the digitalization era to avoid
being left behind in technological developments that almost all of them have used digital …

Lesson study learning community melalui model transcript based learning analysis (TBLA) dalam pembelajaran IPA

E Susetyarini, S Wahyuni, R Latifa - JINoP (Jurnal Inovasi …, 2021 -
Lesson study builds a learning community among teachers, students, academics, and
education observers. Transcript Based Learning Analysis (TBLA) model is among the …

Analisis Pembelajaran IPA dengan Lesson Study Berbasis Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (Tbla) pada Materi Getaran dan Gelombang

AS Pulsande, N Susanti, N Lestari - Jurnal Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika, 2021 -
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pembelajaran IPA dengan lesson study
berbasis Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA) dianalisis melalui perekaman dialog …

The Development of Collaborative Learning in the Frame Work of Learning Developmnet HE 4.0

T Tjahjono, S Susanto, Y Yulhendri - International Journal of Science …, 2020 -
This study reports the development of an adaptive collaborative learning framework in the
industrial era 4.0. The development of learning models in schools is determined by the …

[PDF][PDF] Critical Thinking Analysis of Students in Problem Based Mathematics Learning through TBLA

SM Nikmah, N Fauziyah, S Huda - Journal of Mathematics …, 2021 -
Abstract Mathematics is related to numbers and formulas, as well as its abstract nature. So
that understanding it is not by memorizing. It requires the ability to solve mathematical …

Peningkatan Pembelajaran Permainan Bolavoli Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Suralaga Menggunakan Articulate Storyline

H Azhari, CPEP Abdullah, MT Prasetyo… - Jurnal …, 2024 -
The purpose of this research is to develop articulate storyline-based interactive media
products in volleyball games for SMPN 1 Suralaga students which will be used as a learning …