The role of vocal individuality in conservation

AMR Terry, TM Peake, PK McGregor - Frontiers in zoology, 2005 - Springer
Identifying the individuals within a population can generate information on life history
parameters, generate input data for conservation models, and highlight behavioural traits …

The potential for acoustic individual identification in mammals

P Linhart, M Mahamoud-Issa, D Stowell… - Mammalian Biology, 2022 - Springer
Many studies have revealed that animal vocalizations, including those from mammals, are
individually distinctive. Therefore, acoustic identification of individuals (AIID) has been …

Testing acoustic versus physical marking: two complementary methods for individual‐based monitoring of elusive species

P Laiolo, M Vögeli, D Serrano… - Journal of Avian …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Individuals of some species differentiate each other on the basis of the acoustic features of
their vocalizations, and this can be used in individual‐based population monitoring studies …

Differential parasitaemia in the tawny owl (Strix aluco): effects of colour morph and habitat

P Galeotti, R Sacchi - Journal of Zoology, 2003 -
The relationships between haematozoan parasites, cell-mediated immune response,
territory features and colour morph were investigated in tawny owls Strix aluco, in the Park of …

Temporal stability in the individual features in the calls of eagle owls (Bubo bubo)

T Lengagne - Behaviour, 2001 -
Most studies dealing with individual pattern in acoustic signals are based on recordings
made within a few hours or a few days. However, in long-lived animals, individual signatures …

Who shall I say is calling? Validation of a caller recognition procedure in Bornean flanged male orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) long calls

B Spillmann, CP van Schaik, TM Setia, SO Sadjadi - Bioacoustics, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Acoustic individual discrimination has been demonstrated for a wide range of animal taxa.
However, there has been far less scientific effort to demonstrate the effectiveness of …

Predation risk determines breeding territory choice in a Mediterranean cavity-nesting bird community

D Parejo, JM Avilés - Oecologia, 2011 - Springer
Non-direct effects of predation can be an important component of the total effect of predation,
modulating animal population and community dynamics. The isolated effects of predation …

Territory monitoring of Tawny Owls Strix aluco using playback calls is a reliable population monitoring method

A Vrezec, I Bertoncelj - Bird Study, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Capsule: Territory monitoring using playback of calls is a reliable approach for assessing
population trends of Tawny Owls Strix aluco, particularly when human resources are limited …

Dispersal in raptors

D Serrano - Birds of Prey: Biology and Conservation in the XXI …, 2018 - Springer
Dispersal in raptors and their underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown because of
the difficulties inherent to track highly mobile and often shy species across large landscapes …

Vocal individuality as a potential long-term monitoring tool for Western Screech-owls, Megascops kennicottii

TM Tripp, KA Otter - Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2006 -
Recent studies suggest that individually distinctive vocalizations found in many avian
species can be used in population monitoring. In this study we assessed whether vocal …